Eat delicious food and lose stubborn weight... Build CUTS & lean muscle and get amazing results!
Would You Like To Learn Exactly How Men Are Building Muscle & Losing Excess body fat, Week After Week... Without Burning Out Their Metabolism, And Without Giving Up The Foods They Love To Eat?
Dear friend,
My name is Greg Fleming you can call me Coach G. And A few years ago, I was at my breaking point…
...with trying to figure out how to get my body to look the way I wanted.
I tried the…
All the fad diets
Keto, Plant, Low Carb
You name it
...and I even tried fat burners, protein shakes, and eating less than 1500 calories a day.
But I would always fall off, and start binge eating because I like to eat …
...and then I watched the weight creep back on and my results disappeared.
Because… It was just too hard to sustain the diet.
Why Does Dieting Have To
Be So Hard?
I felt hungry all the time...
And I even felt anxious, guilty and disappointed with myself, whenever I did eat the foods I enjoyed.
I just didn’t have the WILLPOWER to push myself through the urge to eat. Or, the willpower to overcome the cravings to eat Cheetos, burgers and pizza.
But one day, while looking at my shirtless reflection in the bathroom mirror...
.. I just felt so unsatisfied with my body.
Deep down, I knew I could look better than what I saw in the mirror.
Then, I tried to wrap my head around the reasons why I kept failing at all these diets.
I started thinking about the good (and the bad) things about each one.
But I didn’t stop there.
I started counting up all the good points, to make my own.
Plus, the knowledge I learned from my nutrition certifications and training certificate .. 14+ years.. And…
That’s when it hit me !
The One Shift That Changed The
Way I Approached Dieting Forever.
Once I applied all the good points and knowledge I learned, I made one simple change with my diet.
And to my surprise… body started leaning out and reshaping exactly how I wanted it to.
And it’s the “missing ingredient” that all men and women who want to lose unwanted weight (and keep it off) without giving up GOOD FOOD are looking for.
Week after week, I watched not only my stomach lean out, I watched my entire body lean out and tone up.
But that's not all that happened...
I even saw several of my clients dropping 5, 10, and even up to 20 pounds of excess weight, in just 30 days, using this diet.
Me personally... I didn’t have a ton excess of weight to lose.
I just wanted to have a leaner, stronger and more defined look… without feeling guilty about eating the foods I enjoyed… or, sabotaging my health with crash diets that caused me to binge eat…
...then lose my results, and have to start all over again.
Which is why I created the CUTZ MAX System.
“If You’ve Never tried a cutting edge online training plan, Then You’re in for a Marvelous Surprise…”
Most people try to do gym on their own to get results – but those who succeed has a proven system, a proven step by step plan, and nutrition system to help you reach your goals…
Mr. Get Cutz ,
If you’re like most busy men, then you’re probably busy with work life, goals, and many other things to find the right plan and time for fitness goals.
We took all of the guess workout to help you build a lean body that you been wanting. This Plan SAVES TIME and gets results.
But there’s one huge, looming problem…
So, one of the biggest struggles that all of us (even me), face when it comes to our fitness goals…
whether it be for weight-loss, toning, muscle building…
or maintaining, is MOTIVATION
You know what I’m talking, about right?
Motivation is mostly mindset and routine…
Now I know most people think mindset is complete bs and that’s totally fine…
I can’t convince or help everyone….
but for those that are optimistic, a few questions to ask yourself…
What is my ultimate goal?
Why is it important?
What can I do on a daily and weekly basis to reach it?
It’s enough to make you want to give in to eating cookies all days.
But hold up! – it doesn’t have to be that way!
Instead of lacking motivation and a plan, imagine if you able to reach your goal faster, specific plan with online motivation from your coach!
Most Men Say this To Me..
Is that you?! This is the same system I use to help my busy clients lose stubborn fat , while building muscle, build Abs , tone chest , tone arms , stay lean (year round) without living in the gym or selling my soul to the chicken and broccoli diet.
Here’s A Peak Of What’s Inside…
A 30 day “flat tummy diet” meal plan. (this takes out all the guesswork). And shows you the necessary steps to take on a weekly and daily basis, with your diet… to enjoy life in a body you always wanted.
The quickest and easiest way to get “unstuck” if your weight has plateaued. Without killing yourself with more hours of cardio… or crazy hardcore workouts.
Do you know what foods to eat to shed stubborn weight or build muscle? Inside, you’ll have a list of healthy foods (proteins, carbs, fats, fruits) to choose from. It’s almost impossible to get bored with the variety of tasty food options you’ll see on this list.
Chow down on your favorite delicious foods a few times a week… and watch the weight continue to fall off. My new clients are always shocked by how they can eat pizza, cookies and burgers. Yet...
How many meals should you eat per day? Most people have been brainwashed (and misled) to think they have to eat A LOT of small tiny meals throughout the day. Inside, you’ll learn the truth…
How to become a chef, without actually being a chef. Inside, you’ll have a list of nine tasty seasonings and condiment recommendations to make bland food taste delicious!
In-home & Gym workouts. And exercise demonstration videos for safe and proper form and technique. So that you avoid injuries… and don't feel lost or embarrassed while working out at the gym.
FREE BONUS:”Inner Game” Success Secrets
Save yourself months (or even years) of frustration by understanding how to properly set goals… and achieve results that you can enjoy for life!
I’m confident that if you use the CUTZ MAX System, the way I show you inside, you’ll see the pounds and CUTS. And your MUSCLES developing and family, friends will notice it too.
So, don’t drag your feet on this opportunity.
Saying “No” to this opportunity might have you wondering what if…
...And a “Yes” may be the catalyst to you having more energy, confidence and loving your new fit and strong body.
So don’t wait.
Start seeing RESULTS in as little as the next seven days.
Frequently Asked
1. Will I have to starve my way through this program?
No. In fact, starvation diets are completely unsustainable. And in my personal opinion, they are unhealthy. Which goes against everything the CUTZ MAX PLAN stands for.
2. Is the CUTZ MAX PLAN designed for fat loss or weight gain?
The CUTZ MAX PLAN is designed for weight loss (and fat loss). And inside the bonus 30 day workout plan, I’ll show you how to properly train to build and maintain lean muscle.
3. I’m not in my 20′s or 30′s – will this program still work if i’m older?
Yes. The CUTZ MAX PLAN works for all ages.
4. Is this plan all natural?
Yes. It’s 100% all-natural.
5. Will I have to wait for you to ship me the CUTZ MAX PLAN before I can get started?
No. Immediately after you purchase, everything will be sent directly to your email inbox with the email you provide. And you’ll have instant access to get started right away.
6. What is an e-book and how will I download it?
An ebook is a digital PDF document. I’ve also made it “easy to print” if you want a physical copy to read from
7. Do I have to give up any of the foods I enjoy eating?
No. As you know, there are healthier food options than others. But no food is off limits. Inside you’ll learn how to eat the foods you enjoy - in a healthy and sustainable
Cutz Max (Online Program)
Here’s what’s included…
* CUTZ MAX 90 Day Plan
* The Delicious “Real Healthy Food” List
* Goal Setting And Start Up Guide
* Coaching Videos
* BONUS 1: Diet FAQ
* BONUS 2: Grocery Store List
* BONUS 3: Supplement Guide
* BONUS 4: “Inner Game” Secrets
* BONUS 5: 90 Day CUTZ MAX Workout Plan (In-Home & Gym)